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Greater Spotted Woodpecker

The Greater Spotted Woodpecker

Web edit Greater Spotted Woodpecker Photo by Matthew Stadlen
The Greater Spotted Woodpecker Photo by Matthew Stadlen


These are such smart little birds, about the size of a Black Bird, they look like a well dressed butler wearing best livery with silver buttons. Black, white and scarlet red.  White on the breast and black on the upper parts and a bright red rump.  The wings are black with white spots and if you are fortunate enough enough to find a feather – you will see clearly how spotted they are.  The males have a smart red cap on their head.  They have a powerful beak which they use for burrowing for insects and grubs for branches of trees.  In the spring you can hear the males drumming on wood to attract a female. They have a shock absorbing skull which allows them to do this hammering.  Woodpeckers have a very distinctive swopping flight and wonderful humorous squeak of a call (like Sweeps call in Sooty and Sweep).  My garden was bursting with baby woodpeckers when they first fledged.  I could hardly tear myself away from the window, their antics were so amusing.  Not one to be seen now – moved on I guess till next year.
It is not often I can write this, but Greater Spotted Woodpecker numbers have increased by 300% since the 1970s mainly helped by the Dutch Elm disease which gave them more rotting wood for beetles and bugs.

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