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Spring Bulbs to chase away Winter Blues

I have been planting Spring bulbs to chase away Winter blues

I read an old magazine article about Victorian floral centrepieces made using forced bulbs as table decorations

Creating a Floral Centrepiece

Planting Up

Half Way





Almost There





Basically all you do is create a shape from chicken wire – domes work best as pyramids dry out at the apex! turn your wire frame upside down and line with moss, then fill with compost and your chosen bulbs, adding more moss, compost and bulbs as you go until you have filled the shape, firm down and attach to solid base or use a terracotta plant saucer, water and turn the shape upright.  Keep watering and wait for a spectacular display in the Spring. After some experimentation I have found muscari or grape hyacinths and lily of the valley to be very successful but you could also try galanthus or snowdrops, narcissi or iris reticulata…The domes or cones of bulbs are left in the greenhouse or a frost free zone until shoots appear, increase watering and then bring the centrepiece into its final resting place and wait for spectacular floral display. After flowering you can leave the bulbs outside to die down, then dismantle your frame and plant the bulbs in the garden to enjoy next Spring!


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